Atypical Mole Detection & Removal

Established in 2008, Derrow Dermatology is committed to providing the highest standard of dermatological care in a convenient, state-of-the-art setting to patients of all ages.

We all find moles somewhere on our bodies at some point in our lives. Most of them are harmless, but once in a while, an atypical mole that can be a sign of skin cancer will appear. Keeping a watchful eye on your own skin and getting annual skin exams by a dermatologist can help ensure early detection and your best chance at a successful cure.

What’s An Atypical Mole?

Normal moles range from tan to black in color, are symmetrical, and can be raised or flat. Some harmless vascular lesions like strawberry hemangiomas can look like red, pink, or purple moles.

Atypical moles may be asymmetrical or have jagged or notched edges, have different colors in the same mole, itch or bleed, or grow larger than the size of a pencil eraser. If you notice any of these characteristics, or you see a mole that is new, growing very fast, or otherwise changing, it’s important to show it to a dermatologist as soon as possible.

What Happens If I Have An Atypical Mole?

When you bring an atypical mole to your dermatologist’s attention, they may visually identify the risk it presents or take a small sample of the mole tissue, which is called a biopsy. If the atypical mole is cancerous, or it’s considered pre-cancerous, you’ll need to have it removed. Depending on the type and location of the mole, your dermatologist may excise it with a scalpel or use a more specialized technique on skin that’s highly visible or prone to scarring, like the face.

Atypical Mole Removal In Orlando

Derrow Dermatology has a dedicated surgical suite in our office. Our resident dermatologist, Dr. Amy Witt, is experienced in surgical dermatology and has state-of-the-art equipment at her disposal to provide our patients with immediate and successful treatment when they need it.

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